Located on the central North Shore of Staten Island, EmblemHealth Neighborhood Care Clove Road can help the entire community build healthy behaviors into their daily life. Our diverse Customer Care Navigators can provide one-on-one, in-person health plan support or help you choose a health plan.
You can also sign up for free exercise, stress relief, relaxation, and personal or family well-being classes. Bring a friend – our classes are open to everyone!
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Neighborhood Care
Neighborhood Care
Clove Road

Clove Road
1050 Clove Road
Staten Island, NY 10301
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Language(s) Spoken
Office Hours
Mon. - Thur. : 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri. : 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
AdvantageCare Physicians: Receive same-day care from one of New York’s largest medical groups.