There is no doubt that taking good care of your health is important when you’re pregnant. But, your health is just as important before you start planning for pregnancy. Two of the biggest factors that impact your pregnancy – nutrition and physical activity – are also vital to your day-to-day health. It’s never too late to make changes and those changes don’t have to be big.
Popular Tasks
Neighborhood Care
Family Planning

Your Health Before Pregnancy
Family Planning
Food & Nutrition
Dietary guidelines to help you eat smarter and healthier.
Physical Activity
Guidelines to help you improve and maintain your health through physical activity.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Answers to questions you might have regarding your health before pregnancy.
Quit Smoking
If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your and your baby’s health. Call the New York State Smoker’s Quitline (866-NY-QUITS) for help.
Domestic Violence Support
Support and resources to combat domestic violence.
Roe v. Wade and Members' Access to Care
We are committed to ensuring that all our members and people have access to safe, quality care, treatments, and procedures. We will continue to support the efforts of the officials in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Massachusetts who continue to work to ensure that women have safe access to the health care services they and their families need.
The majority of our members live and receive care in these states. We do not expect the decision overturning Roe v. Wade to have a significant impact for those members.
If you are a resident of and access care within New York, Connecticut, New Jersey or Massachusetts, your plan’s coverage and access to abortion services should not change. While most of our fully insured health plans issued in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts cover abortions services, you should review your plan documents carefully to see if abortion services are covered and for coverage details.
Women's Health Matters
Guidelines to help you develop healthy habits before, during and after pregnancy.
EmblemHealth has an arrangement beginning July 15, 2022 with Legacy – a Harvard-backed, digital fertility management service helping men test, improve, and freeze their sperm-from home. This arrangement complies with the changes to the Infertility Mandate of 2019 that the State of New York passed for the IVF and Fertility Preservation Law, updated Jan. 1, 2020.