Searching for Providers

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Searching for Providers

healthcare provider looking at laptop in office

How you identify a specific doctor, practitioner, or facility is the same across transactions.

  • Select how you want to search from the Search By drop down.

  • Enter the search criteria.

  • Select the provider from the results table.

The results tables may be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Where too many results are returned, you may use the Filter by to remove rows that do not apply.

Searching for Providers is Easy.

Step 1

You have two search options:

  1. Provider NPI (recommended).
  2. Provider Name.

NOTE: You may enter the address detail to better target the search results.

step 2

Click Search to view a table with providers that match your search criteria.

Click a circle to select the applicable provider. You can use Filter By to target the required provider from the search results.

NOTE: If you select an out-of-network provider, an alert with a warning message will display. You will be given the choice to continue or cancel the request.