Medicare: Annual Wellness Exam Checklist

Your primary care doctor (PCP) is your partner for good health. It’s important to visit your doctor once a year for a yearly checkup and to build a good relationship.

A Japanese doctor kneeling to speak to an eldery patient in a wheelchair in a Tokyo Hospital.

There is no out-of-pocket cost for this checkup, as long as you see your PCP.

Remember to discuss your blood pressure and weight with your doctor during every visit. Normal blood pressure for an adult is <120/80 mm Hg and normal body mass index (BMI; a measure of body fat) for an adult is 18.5–24.9. Ask your doctor to write down your blood pressure and BMI in your records during all visits.

Here are some additional topics to discuss with your doctor during your annual checkup:

  • Regular physical activity
    If something is keeping you from being active, talk with your doctor about it.
  • Physical health
    The best way to be healthy is to eat right, exercise, take your prescribed medicines on time and get the rest you need.
  • Risks of falls
    Discuss ways to prevent falls and ways you can stay steady on your feet. If you have fallen in the past, let your doctor know.
  • Bladder control
    Lots of men and women have a problem with leaking urine (urinary incontinence). The good news is that there are many treatment options available for this condition.
  • Mental health
    Feelings of isolation, low energy and the “blues” can prevent you from being physically and emotionally healthy. Your doctor can put you in touch with resources to help you feel better. To speak with someone today call the EmblemHealth Behavioral Health Services Program at 1-888-447-2526.
  • Vaccinations
    Adults need shots, too. Be sure to get a flu shot at your annual checkup. A flu shot still works even if you get it in January or February. Ask your doctor if you need a vaccine for shingles or pneumonia.
  • Diabetes screenings
    If you have diabetes, it is important to make sure that your condition is under control. Make certain that you have a Hemoglobin A1c (blood sugar) test at least twice a year, cholesterol test, blood pressure check, kidney tests, dilated eye exam and a complete foot exam. Make an appointment in January so you and your doctors can create a Diabetes Care Plan to keep your diabetes under control all year.