Once Part One screens are completed, clinical information will be requested. If the clinical criteria are met, approval may be issued at the end of the transaction. Otherwise, the request will pend for further review. In either case, for the preauthorization request to be considered complete and submitted, the Submit Request button on the MCG screen must be clicked.
TIP: Once the request is submitted, it will no longer appear on the Incomplete Drafts list.
NOTE: The Authorization field on the MCG screen will display a number. This is not an approval number. It is the Draft Number for the request.
Clinical Information Required:
The diagnosis code entered in Parill prepopulate and determine whether additional clinical information is needed. If it is, you will see one or more orange Document Clinical buttons. You need to address these by checking off the clinical criteria that apply to the preauthorization request. You also need to use the blue Attach File button to share supporting documentation such as medical records and test results.
The Submit Request button will remain inactive until each Document Clinical button is addressed and expected documentation attached. Once the clinical information is entered and all documents are attached, click the Submit Request button to finish the transaction.
NOTE: If the Document Clinical button displays, but on the next screen you do not see an applicable guideline or are unsure of which guideline to choose, click add in the Action column for “No Guideline Applies.” This will display a notes screen where you can explain why the listed guidelines are not appropriate and why the services are needed.
No MCG/Clinical Guideline Is Required:
If no additional information is needed, you will see a screen with the message “MCG Guideline Documentation Not Required.” If supporting documentation is required, the Submit Request button will be inactive until it is attached.