When a member is admitted to an inpatient hospital from an emergency room, hospitals are required to notify the member’s Managing Entity. For notification requirements see the EmblemHealth Provider Manual Utilization Management chapter and ConnectiCare’s Coverage Guidelines. While emergent inpatient admissions do not require preauthorization, the inpatient stay is subject to concurrent review.
The steps below show how to complete the provider portal screens needed to notify EmblemHealth and ConnectiCare of the admission and to provide clinical information to start the concurrent review process. The portals for EmblemHealth and ConnectiCare have the same functionality and can be used for both company’s members.
Once a notification has been submitted, you will be able to request modifications to certain data elements through the provider portal too.
STOP: If the member’s Managing Entity is not EmblemHealth you must notify the member’s assigned organization directly.
NOTE: On each screen, required data elements will have an asterisk “*” next to the field name.